Training for trainee in framework of project “cooperation strengthening to develop sustainable cocoa in Vietnam”

In order to provide knowledge to extension staff, collaborators and techincal staff of cocoa companies in Daklak. Towards building the strong extention staff for transfering knowledge about cocoa to farmers, basing foundation for sustainable cocoa development in Vietnam

Class opening
In August 2014, Community Development Center (CDC) coopertated with Project Management Unit of project “ Cooperation Strengthening to develop sustainable cacoa in Vietnam” ( called PPP project) this project was sponsored by Netherland Government, Rabobank, Mars Company, Cargill Company and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, held successfully 4 ToT trainee  training coures with 80 learners in Daklak.
Learners practiced cutting on cocoa garden.
At the training courses, the learners were trained  not only the techniques on canopy pruning, nutrient management, but also the training skill for old people , the usual methods in training…
 In addition,CDC also organized for learners to practice cutting and pest diagnosing on content of skills.
Expecting in next October, CDC will cooperate with PMU to continue organizing four training courses on content related to nutrient management, harvesting, processing and storage and teaching practice for learners who have participated in the training.

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